For a detailed comparison of all software, see the POSM Products Features Matrix.




POSM Workstation


Basic Storage And Reports


Single User License To Import And Export Inspections, Edit Data, And Generate Reports.


Everything you need to organize a small inspection database stored on a local hard drive. Workstation is limited to 2500 inspections.

NASSCO v7 PACP, LACP, and MACP Certified.


POSM Workstation

Workstation Engineering features and limitations:

  • Saves 2500 sessions per database.
  • Microsoft Access Database; No SQL.
  • No support on a shared network.
  • No connectivity to GIS system.
  • Easy, conveniently upgradeable to one of our more robust options.
  • Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese.

POSM Workstation Engineering is a single-user storage option for a small company storing a limited number of runs. As their archive expands, most users find they need to upgrade to one of our more robust video library storage options. In the meantime, check out POSM Workstation Engineering and get used to the awesome POSM archive storage features. Workstation Engineering is a great starting point.


POSM Workstation