Florida Maintenance: POSM Top Software on the Market
The City of Tallahassee’s Pipeline Maintenance and repair crews use Envirosight inspection equipment with POSM Software. “In our experience, this pairing of outstanding equipment and software is the best solution to our needs and ensures we maintain the system most effectively. It’s that simple,” said Anthony Moore, the city’s Maintenance Construction Chief. “They work very well together, and we have no compatibility issues.”
Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, has a metropolitan population of almost 200,000. It’s a significant college town, with a student population adding over 70,000 among Florida State University, Florida A&M, and Tallahassee Community College.
"...this pairing of outstanding equipment and software is the best solution to our needs and ensures we maintain the system most effectively. It’s that simple."
A significant population requires a significant maintenance and infrastructure fleet, comprised of 9 cleaning trucks and 6 TV inspection units, with a team of 31 technicians tasked with ensuring that over 1,000 miles of pipeline mains stay clean, flowing and inspected. Moore has over 25 years of experience in the industry, 18 of those working for Tallahassee.
The city switched to POSM in 2009. Moore explained that their technicians run POSM Software on 6 Envirosight pipeline inspection robots to record video, map the path, then analyze and “grade” the pipe by segments once the pipe inspections are reviewed (Pipeline segments are graded following NASSCO’s guidelines of 1-5, with 5 denoting a significant defect that needs immediate attention.). Moore confirmed that POSM Software works seamlessly with Envirosight crawler robots and is essential in categorizing and grading any defects. It’s a vital tool for prioritizing repairs and construction.
“Maintenance repair crews tackle overhauls for ‘grade 5s,’ and our engineering department reviews ‘grade 3s’ and ‘grade 4s’ to implement minor repairs that will rehabilitate a segment.” Moore noted that POSM makes it easy to encode the information for NASSCO. Their technicians also uses POSM for its sanitation, storm drain, and lateral inspections.
He added, “In the rare case when there is a glitch, POSM Software’s support techs are a phone call away, and typically get a situation handled in just a couple of minutes.” With the fleet of trucks running on their hectic schedule, “we do have to call on occasion.”
Anthony named these advantages over the previous inspection software:
- Superior, unlimited tech support
- renewed annually
- POSM’s ability to log into the truck computers out on the field with a push of a button
- One price gives us everything
- Upgrades to the latest version INCLUDED
- with valid tech support subscription
“We’d never had the level of service with other companies that we experience with POSM.”
The City of Tallahassee, FL’s inspection technicians are all NASSCO PACP-certified. In 2015, the Department won the Governor’s Sterling Award for Excellence, and in 2018 it won the Governor’s Sustained Excellence Award. “We’re the first municipality ever to win that,” Anthony added. “Our technicians' inspection, maintenance repairs and customer service all played a key part in earning those distinctions.”
NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) sets industry standards and best practices for the assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of underground infrastructure.
If you’re using Envirosight crawlers and you want to find out why Tallahassee’s award-winning infrastructure technicians call POSM Software “the top software on the market,” click here to schedule a download for your 60-day FREE trial today!
“We’d never had the level of service with other companies that we experience with POSM.”